In the field of physics teaching, the simple pendulum provides a very simple way to study the harmonic oscillator, source of some fundamental concepts like periodicity, relaxation time and anharmonicity. As such, its experimental study is frequently integrated in the high school or first years university programs. With this in mind, in this article we propose a simple setup allowing to study some of its properties. By coupling a small wireless acquisition board to an oscillating mass, the centripetal acceleration is recorded and analyzed. We show using basic calculations how this acceleration allow to extract the variation with time of its period and of the amplitude. The experimental results show that the damping of the amplitude is very well described by an exponential law. The accuracy we obtain on the period allows to show that, not only it decreases with amplitude, but that this decrease is relatively well described by standard calculation. Using wireless multipurpose acquisition board and usual spreadsheet for experimental modelling, the completion of this work, about 4 hours, offers to the student an original way to go a little beyond the classical study of the spectacular object that is the pendulum.