Water demand always increases, and its availability varies between regions and times. Pekalongan City is a city that faces water scarcity issues. This study aims to determine the critical water distribution zones in the coastal area of Pekalongan City by considering the critical water criteria based on the use of meteorological water balance during the wet and dry months. The research location includes eight sub-districts in the coastal area of Pekalongan City, specifically in North Pekalongan District. Water criticality is calculated by considering water availability and water demand. Water availability is influenced by rainfall, evapotranspiration, runoff, and infiltration. Water demand for domestic, industrial, and agricultural sectors is calculated based on their respective classification standards. Surplus and deficit values are obtained using the water balance. Water criticality is classified into four categories by comparing the total water availability with demand. All sub-districts experience a water deficit during the dry months, while during the wet months, all sub-districts except Padukuhan Kraton and Panjang Wetan sub-districts experience a surplus. All sub-districts are classified as highly critical in the dry month period. During the DJF period, all sub-districts are classified as not critical and near critical, while during the MAM period, one sub-district is classified as not critical.