Chinese betel can be used to lower cholesterol, heal broken bones, rheumatoid arthritis, anti-fungal medication, gout, protect the digestive system, treat urinary tract disorders and so on. Chinese betel plants contain active compounds such as terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins and phenols. Flavonoids are natural chemicals found in plants. Flavonoids also have antioxidant properties to reduce the effects of free radicals. The research aims to determine the total flavonoid content of Chinese betel extract with variations of 70%, 80% and 96% ethanol using the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method. This method was carried out by quantitative analysis of the total flavonoid content of Chinese betel ethanol extract using UV-Vis spectrophotometry and qualitative analysis using concentrated Mg and HCL powder. The material used is Chinese betel extract (Peperomia pellucida) obtained from Jembrana district, Bali province. Other materials used are 70% ethanol, 80% ethanol, 96% ethanol and ethanol p.a., sodium acetate, distilled water, AlCl3, quercetin, Mg powder and concentrated HCL. The results of testing the total flavonoid content in Chinese betel ethanol extract varied in concentration of 70%, namely containing flavonoids of 2.78576 g/100g EQ, 80% ethanol Chinese betel extract containing flavonoids of 5.132503 g/100g EQ, and Chinese betel ethanol extract 96 % contains flavonoids of 6.77682 g/100g EQ. The highest flavonoid content results were obtained by the 96% ethanol concentration extract because 96% ethanol has polar properties so it can attract flavonoid compounds well. Qualitative analysis of flavonoids showed positive results with the formation of a brownish red color.