The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between problem solving ability and understanding of mathematical concepts on the ability of Computer Self-Efficacy. This research is quantitative with Correlational Design. The data collection techniques of this research are problem solving test, concept understanding test, and Computer Self-Efficacy questionnaire. The sampling technique of this research is probability sampling. The sample of this research was 35 students of class XI MIPA at SMA Negeri 6 Bandar Lampung. The data analysis technique used Multiple Linear Regression analysis. The results showed that there was a relationship between problem solving abilities and computer self-efficacy, there was a relationship between the ability to understand mathematical concepts and the ability to computer selfefficacy, and there was a relationship between problem solving abilities and understanding mathematical concepts with students' computer self-efficacy. The effect of problems solving ability and understanding of mathematical concepts on the ability of Computer Self-Efficacy is 55.6%.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan pemahaman konsep matematis terhadap kemampuan Computer Self-Efficacy. Penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif dengan Correlational Design. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini yaitu tes pemecahan masalah, tes pemahaman konsep, dan angket Computer Self-Efficacy. Teknik sampling penelitian ini yaitu probability sampling. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 35 peserta didik kelas XI MIPA di SMA Negeri 6 Bandar Lampung. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis Regresi Linier Berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dengan Computer Self-Efficacy, terdapat hubungan kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis dengan kemampuan Computer Self-Efficacy, dan terdapat hubungan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan pemahaman konsep matematis dengan Computer Self-Efficacy peserta didik. Besar pengaruh kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan pemahaman konsep matematis terhadap kemampuan Computer Self-Efficacy yaitu sebesar 55,6%.