Background: Confounding is a very important issue to consider because its presence can affect the p-value and the magnitude of the risk that can cause errors in decision making. The Mantel Haenszel is used when there are one or more confounding variables, which can be applied to public health problems such as the incidence of LBW which has many risk factors such as antenatal care (ANC), maternal age, parity, and anaemia.
Objective: To identify confounding variables in the ANC relationship with LBW.
Method: Nonreactive research with a case-control design. The sample was 305 (61 cases; 244 controls), in 3 Samarinda City Health Centers and sourced from the 2016-2017 maternal cohort registered, East Kalimantan.
Results: Maternal age was confounding in the relationship of ANC to LBW (ΛOR 12.29%) whereas parity (ΛOR 1.65%) and anaemia (ΛOR 0,64%) didn’t become confounding.
Conclusion: ANC has a significant relationship with the incidence of LBW without or accompanied by confounding variables. Parity and anemia are not as confounding whereas maternal age is influential confounding which is marked by changes in OR before and after considering external variables. Thus, more intensive pregnancy care is needed more mothers who are it too young and or too old.
Key words: Confounding, Mantel Haenszel, Low Birth Weight, Maternal age
Latar belakang: Confounding merupakan isu yang penting untuk diperhatikan, karena kehadirannya dapat mempengaruhi p value dan besaran risiko yang dapat menyebabkan kesalahan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Mantel Haenszel digunakan bila terdapat satu atau lebih variabel confounding, yang dapat diterapkan pada permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat secara global seperti kejadian Berat Badan lahir Rendah (BBLR) yang banyak memiliki faktor risiko seperti ANC dan faktor risiko BBLR lain seperti usia ibu, paritas dan anemia
Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi variabel confounding pada hubungan Antenatal Care dengan BBLR.
Metode: Non reactive research dengan desain case control. Sampel berjumlah 305 (kasus 61; kontrol 244) di 3 Puskesmas Kota Samarinda dan bersumber dari register kohort ibu tahun 2016-2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua cara analisis yaitu analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi Square dan dilanjut identifikasi variabel confounding dengan Chi Square Mantel Haenszel.
Hasil: Usia ibu ( menjadi confounding dalam hubungan ANC terhadap BBLR, sedangkan paritas ( dan anemia ( bukan menjadi confounding.
Kesimpulan: ANC memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kejadian BBLR tanpa atau disertai variabel confounding. Paritas dan anemia bukan sebagai confounding, sedangkan usia ibu memberikan pengaruh (confounding). Dengan demikian, perlu perawatan kehamilan yang lebih intensif kepada ibu dengan usia terlalu muda/usia terlalu tua.
Kata kunci: Confounding, Mantel Haenszel, BBLR, Usia Ibu