This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of transformational leadership on employee performance through innovative work behavior as a mediating variable. This research was conducted at the Ministry of Agriculture such as the BPP (Agricultural Training Center), BPTP (Agricultural Technology Assessment Center) and the Agricultural Quarantine Center for Lampung Province. The sample used was 155 respondents consisting of 58 BPP employees, 52 BPTP employees, and 45 employees of the Agricultural Quarantine Center for Lampung Province.
This study uses the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique, through the AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) program. The results of this study include; transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, transformational leadership has a significant positive effect on innovative work behavior, innovative work behavior has a significant positive effect on employee performance, and transformational leadership has a significant positive effect on employee performance through mediation innovative work behavior of employees at Lampung Agricultural Training Center, Lampung Agricultural Technology Assessment Center, and Lampung Province Agricultural Quarantine Center.