This study aims to determine the effect of information technology, satisfaction and motivation on teacher performance. Respondents are civil servant teachers of Public Elementary School in Kendit sub-district, Situbondo district, amounting to 104 teachers, which amounts to 104 teachers. The sample size is 83 people. Research using multiple linear regression analysis. The research findings show that there is no influence between information technology variables on teacher performance. While the variable of satisfaction and motivation have an effect on to teacher performance Key Words: Information technology, satisfaction, motivation, performance.
I.IntroductionEducation is one effort to improve the quality of human resources. The role of teachers in education is at the forefront in the implementation of the learning process, for it required the totality, dedication, and loyalty for a teacher in performing their duties. Teachers are one element in education that must play an active role and put themselves as professionals in accordance with the demands of the development of science and technological developments. According to research conducted by Professor Hattie of the University of Auckland, the dominant factors of student achievement are: (1) student characteristics (49%), (2) teachers (30%), (3) others (21%), people's mind, May 4, 2016). In the current era of globalization when the advancement of science and technology to develop quickly of course also impact on teachers how important to improve the performance and ability of teachers in utilizing the technology. Information and communication technology systems strongly support the success in carrying out the work (Teece, 1997; Korpelainen et al., 2010). This shows the existence of technology in the school environment will be useful when teachers are able to utilize effectively, not just accumulate inventory in school. So the teacher expected by the community is a teacher who is full of innovation, creative as a leader with a very high motivation, as the administrator of his class, as a supervisor of the class and himself as well as a broad-minded organizational. According to Firman and Tola (2008: 77) there are some obstacles in the implementation of e-learning, including the lack of ICT infrastructure equipment (including telephone networks and reliable power supply) and the unavailability of skilled personnel to manage ICT equipment in many schools, rural. To that end, the government continuously strives to improve the quality of teacher performance in the form of increasing human resources and improving employee welfare. The results of research Wimartono et al. (2015) concluded that the influence of the use of IT to the profession of teachers both when transferring knowledge to students and when teachers make efforts to develop themselves become professional teachers have not maximized because of the lack of competence of teachers in the field of IT. While the results of research conducted by Solechan and Shinta (2016 ) mentions there is signi...