This study discusses the use of booklet media in overcoming bullying behaviour in low-grade elementary schools. This study uses a 4-D research and development (R&D) method: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The study results obtained validation from experts in the material, media, and language showed that the booklet that was developed met the valid criteria and was suitable for use. The validation test results by elementary school teachers in Bogor Regency, which consisted of 30 booklet teachers, were very relevantto be used, did not need to be revised. A large-scale trial to grade 3 elementary school students in Bogor obtained that the booklet media was valid and suitable for use. The results of students' understanding of bullying at the beginning were shallow, amounting to only 31.03 percent while after learning given using the booklet media rose to 72.41%. Thus this media booklet can be used as early prevention of bullying deviant behaviour. The use of booklet media with all its weaknesses and advantages is expected to positively influence the loss of bullying behaviour among students so that harmony is established within the school environment and realizing the school as a safe, comfortable, and pleasant place. Also, the school, as an educational institution, becomes a place to gain knowledge and develop one's maturity to show that he is intelligent rationally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.