Culture shock is pyschology name to describe the circumstance and feeling of someone facing different socio-culture environmental condition. This research examines the phenomenon of culture shock in the foreign volunteers in Karawang Regency, they are incorporated in an official government agency from United States namely Peace Corps. The foreign volunteers who become research informants in Indonesia are in teaching program for two years in school, in Batu Jaya and Cilamaya, Karawang Regency. This research using descriptive qualitative method to observe social phenomenon which produces descriptive data on the phenomenon that occurs in the foreign volunteers related to culture shock they experienced. The result of this research shows that the foreign volunteers experiencing level of culture shock on their new cultural environment in Indonesia, where the optimistic phase, the cultural problem phase, and the recovery phase are experienced by them. Until now, the foreign volunteers have entered the adjustment phase.
AbstrakCulture shock atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut dengan gegar budaya merupakan istilah psikologis untuk menggambarkan keadaan dan