Tax revenues provide a fairly large role in state revenues. People who pays tax or depositors in Indonesia are called taxpayers. One of the factors that encourage awareness of paying taxes by taxpayers is influenced by taxpayer satisfaction with the services provided. Since the pandemic to the post-pandemic period of Covid-19, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) has brought considerable changes to the provided services. This is due to the policies that emerged as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The main change that has occurred in the service sector is the application of social contact restrictions. The existence of this policy requires DJP to make innovations in the service sector to continue to provide excellent service amidst the existing limitations. In addition, DJP always provides training to all of its employees so that the services provided can be optimal. All of these efforts were made with the aim of maintaining taxpayer satisfaction during the post-Covid-19 pandemic. At Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Penanaman Modal Asing Enam, satisfaction survey is always held for all taxpayers who receive services, both in-person services as well as online services. This satisfaction survey was conducted with the aim of knowing the level of satisfaction of taxpayers and also as a tool to evaluate the services provided. The results of the existing satisfaction survey will be published in several existing media, such as office social media and office bulletin boards. DJP also provides a complaint platform to facilitate taxpayers who are dissatisfied with the services provided. Taxpayer complaints can be made through several DJP official complaint channels