The purpose of this study is to assess the reliability, applicability, and efficacy of the Guided Discovery-Based Content Learning System. Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation are the five steps of the ADDIE research model, which is the research methodology that was applied. Only steps 1 through 4 have been completed in this study. In order to determine efficacy, the data was gathered using questionnaires, validation sheets, practicality sheets, and pre-test post-test sets. This content-learning system has received 85% validation from three chemical education lecturers at Padang State University and three chemistry instructors from high schools, indicating that the method is valid. Three teachers and one class of 40 students participated in the practicality test. The practicality test result was 84%, indicating that the learning system was extremely useful. The N-Gain score, which displays an average of 79% with intermediate quality, provides evidence of the usefulness of the content learning system in enhancing student learning outcomes. Therefore, it can be said that this content learning system is successful in improving student learning outcomes.