Mastery of Indonesian language skills for children is still a challenge for teachers and parents. Teachers need an effective learning model to improve Indonesian language skills and knowledge. This research aims to develop an active and innovative Indonesian language learning model for children aged 8 years by collaborating with the Numbered Heads Together, Sample Non-Examples, and Guess Words (NET) learning models. This research is a test of the effectiveness of the learning model with a small group trial study carried out at MI Kompa, and a large group trial carried out at MI Adda'wah and MIN I Sukabumi Parungkuda. Data collection techniques were carried out using a mixture of two types of data, qualitative and quantitative. The research results show that the development of the NET learning model in Indonesian language subjects has succeeded in improving children's learning outcomes. Therefore, the results of this study can be used as a starting point for further research. This study has limitations in using descriptive statistical data that do not yet explain the factors that influence the success of the proposed learning model. The results can also provide a basic approach to support further analysis of the impact of using learning strategies in the classroom, both in increasing student and teacher activity.
Keywords: numbered heads together, non-examples, guess the words, Indonesian, eight-year-old children
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