<p class="p0">Adolescence is a stage of development that is vulnerable to various things. Adolescents who do not have a strong character are at risk of free sex. Data shows that free sex has been common among adolescents. This activity aimes to provide health information to increase the awareness of students of SMAN 6, Depok (public senior high school) towards the culture and dangers of free sex among adolescents. Health promotion activities were carried out with the method of lecture, discussion and short movie-watching. The lecture was conducted in two stages. First, students were explained about the basic concepts of culture and the dangers of free sex. Next, students were given a more in-depth explanation of one of the effects of free sex, infection of HIV/AIDS. Between the break time of the topic of lecture, students were also given the opportunity to ask questions in the discussion session. At the end of the activity, students were asked to fill in the post-test questionnaire regarding the topic given. The evaluation resulted showed that the level of studen's understanding of the topic given was very high with the average value of the questionnaire obtanined above 90%. In addition, evaluation for this activity was carried out by using an assessment for the lecturer related to the presentation of interesting material, delivery that can be well received by participants, easy-to-understand language style, extension media that facilitates participans understanding, and involvement of participants during lectures (Interactive). Assessment using Likert scale consisted of score 1-5, with the categories are: strongly disagree (score 1), disagree (score 2), neutral (score 3), agree (score 4), and strongly agree (score 5). The results showed that the majority of participants were satisfied (66,67%-77.78%) by delivery method of the education provided. Based on this, it can be concluded that these activities have been going fine. It is expected that adolescents, especially students of SMAN 6 Depok, can apply the information that has been received in their everyday life. </p><p class="p0"><strong>Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak:</strong> Remaja adalah tahap perkembangan yang rentan terhadap berbagai hal. Remaja yang tidak memiliki karakter yang kuat berisiko terhadap perilaku seks bebas. Data menunjukkan bahwa perilaku seks bebas sudah banyak terjadi di kalangan remaja. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kesehatan guna meningkatkan kesadaran siswa SMAN 6 Depok terhadap budaya dan bahaya seks bebas di kalangan remaja. Kegiatan promosi kesehatan dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, pemutaran film singkat, dan story telling. Ceramah dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap. Pertama, siswa dijelaskan mengenai konsep dasar budaya dan bahaya seks bebas. Berikutnya, siswa diberikan penjelasan lebih mendalam mengenai salah satu dampak seks bebas, yaitu infeksi HIV/AIDS. Diantara jeda topik ceramah, siswa diberikan kegiatan ice breaking dan fun game. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pemutaran film singkat mengenai salah satu bahaya seks bebas, yaitu infeksi HIV/AIDS dan kegiatan story telling. Siswa juga diberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya pada sesi diskusi. Pada bagian akhir kegiatan, siswa diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner postest mengenai topik yang telah diberikan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap topik yang diberikan sangat tinggi dengan rerata perolehan nilai benar pada kuesioner mencapai di atas 90%. Selain itu, evaluasi proses dilaksanakan dengan memberikan penilaian terhadap pemberi penyuluhan terkait pembawaan materi yang menarik, penyampaian yang dapat diterima baik oleh peserta, gaya bahasa yang mudah dipahami, media penyuluhan yang memudahakan pemahaman peserta, dan pelibatan peserta saat ceramah (interaktif). Penilaian menggunakan skala likert bernilai 1-5, dengan kategori sangat tidak setuju (skor 1), tidak setuju (skor 2), netral (skor 3), setuju (skor 4), dan sangat setuju (skor 5). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas peserta puas (66,67%-77,78%) dengan cara penyampaian edukasi yang diberikan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan penyuluhan ini sudah berjalan dengan baik. Diharapkan agar para remaja, khususnya siswa SMAN 6 Depok, dapat menerapkan informasi yang sudah didapat ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. </p>