Studies on bio-ecosystems sustainability and feasibility are urgent because many mangrove ecosystems have been converted into ponds as a source of livelihood. This study aimed to evaluate the sustainability level of the mangrove bio-ecosystem in Dabong Village and formulate the most appropriate strategy in silvofishery development. The method used was a field survey to obtain secondary and primary data. Bio-ecosystem feasibility analysis was carried out descriptively, qualitatively and quantitatively based on data compilation of water quality, soil fertility, macrozoobenthos and mangrove density. SWOT analysis was used in developing the strategies. Based on the study results, the land suitability matrix for silvofishery development in Dabong Village had a very suitable category (69.00%) regarding soil value conditions and water quality. The abundance of macrozoobenthos was 21 individual m2 -1 gatropoda, 30 individuals m2 -1 bivalves, and eight individuals m2 -1 crustaceans. Stand density values of Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia alba, and Sonneratia alba ranged from 15-25 individuals m2 -1, 18-27 individuals m2 -1, and 14-24 individuals m2 -1, respectively. According to ecosystem characteristics, the strategy for using mangroves in the research site was to increase the bio-ecosystem strength and minimize the damage or degradation risks as a threat to the impact of mangrove ecosystem utilization using the silvofishery model. Its application could be an alternative for sustainable use of the mangrove ecosystem.