ABSTRAK Akibat penuaan usia terjadi bisa timbulnya berbagai masalah kesehatan dibagian organ tubuh yaitu salah satunya penyakit rheumthoid artitis (Kristanto & Maliya, 2012. Pada Negara Indonesia memiliki jumlah penyakit rheumatoid arthritis dengan angka kejadian 34% (QADAFI, 2018). Data penyakit rheumathoid artitis di Provinsi Lampung pada tahun 2019 sebanyak 37.476.756 orang, pada tahun 2020 sebanyak 28.195.000 orang, dan pada tahun 2021 menjadi berjumlah 20.718.000 orang penderita(Kesehatan, 2018). Tujuan: Melakukan analisa hasil dan penerapan pijat refleksi dan minyak serai terhadap nyeri pada lansia sehingga nyeri berkurang. Metode: penerapan pijat refleksi dan minyak serai ini dilakukan 1x5 menit selama 3 hari. Hasil: didapatkan hasil yaitu nilai mean skala nyeri sebelum diberikan penerapan terapi 5 sedangkan sesudah dilakukan penerapan terapi skala nyeri 3. Skala nyeri hari kedua sebelum dilakukan penerapan 3 sesudah dilakukan terapi 2. Skala nyeri hari ketiga sebelum dilakukan penerapan terapi skala nyeri 2 sedangkan setelah dilakukan penerapan terapi skala nyeri 2. Kesimpulan: terapi masase kaki memiliki arti terdapat perbaikan skala nyeri sesudah diberikan penerapan pijat refleksi dan minyak serai terhadap nyeri pada lansia. Kata Kunci: Pijat Refleksi, Rheumathoid, Lansia ABSTRACT Health problems due to aging occur in various body systems, one of which is rheumatism. In Indonesia alone, the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in 2011 was 35%, in 2012. In Lampung Province, rheumatoid arthritis in 2019 amounted to 37,476,757 patients, in 2020 there were 28,196,000 people, and in 2021 it would be 20,719,000 people. sufferer. Objective: To analyze the results and apply reflexology and lemongrass oil to pain in the elderly so that pain is reduced. Method: The application of reflexology and lemongrass oil was carried out 1x5 minutes for 3 days. Results: it was found that the average value of the pain scale before the application of therapy was 5 while after the application of therapy the pain scale was 3. The pain scale on the second day before the application was 3 after the therapy 2. The pain scale on the third day before the application of therapy the pain scale was 2 while after the application of pain scale therapy 2. Conclusion: this shows that there is an improvement in the pain scale after the application of reflexology and lemongrass oil to pain in the elderly. Keywords: Reflexology, Rheumatoid, Elderly