The ability that is considered important for the success of study, work, and living in the information and technology era in the 21st century is High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The purpose of this study is to produce learning device products for basic automotive technology subjects using learning models based on HOTS-based problems that are valid, practical, and effective. The type of research used is quasi-experimental research (quasi experiment) which begins with the development of learning devices. Research Results: (1) the average score of critical thinking skills for students learning using HOTS-based problembased learning (PBL) models (x ̅ = 82.96) was significantly higher than students who studied using the direct learning model or direct instruction (DI) with an average score of x ̅ = 71.40; and (2) the average score of creative thinking ability for students who learn using HOTS-based problem-based learning (PBL) models (x ̅ = 49.14) is significantly higher than students who learn using direct or direct learning models instruction (DI) with an average score of x ̅ = 74.66.