Firm value can be influenced by external and internal factors. Internal factors can affect including leverage, company growth, and profitability. This study aims to determine the effect of leverage and firm growth on firm value with profitability as a mediating variable. This research is associative research by selecting companies in the consumer non-cyclical industry sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The study's data type is secondary data obtained from The sampling method used in the study used the simple random sampling method with the Slovin formula. Seventy companies acquired it in the consumer non-cyclical industry sector for 2020-2022. The analytical techniques used in research are descriptive analysis and path analysis. Based on the study's results found that leverage has a positive and significant effect on the firm's value. The firm's growth has a negative and insignificant impact on the firm's value. Leverage has a positive and significant effect on profitability. The growth of the firm negatively and significantly affects profitability. Profitability can mediate the effect of leverage on firm value, and profitability can mediate the effect of firm growth on firm value.