The purpose of this study was to produce interactive mathematics teaching materials with metacognitive scaffolding for students' thinking and mathematical reflective dispositions. This interactive teaching material is made in exetable windows (exe) format. The use of teaching materials is flexible with exe format so that it can be used on Windows-based computers. Exe is a type of file used to install or install applications based on a Windows operating system. This research is motivated by the weakness of students 'metacognitive abilities, and the small amount of teaching materials to develop interactive teaching materials with the ability of metacognitive scaffolding aspects, students' thinking abilities and mathematical reflective dispositions. This study uses a research and development design that contains 10 potential steps and problems, combining data, product design, design validation, revision design, product testing, product revision, usage testing, product revision and mass production. The results showed that the general interactive teaching material with metacognitive scaffolding for the ability and disposition of mathematical reflective thinking students had a very good classification with a contribution of 87.5% for education experts and 85.7% for mathematicians looking at resources Introduction, eligibility, presentation , and language. While for multimedia experts have 70%. Based on the results of expert tests and limited trials conducted on 10 grade VIII junior high school students in one of the junior high schools in the attack district it is undeniably related to interactive teaching materials with metacognitive scaffolding for support and 6% mathematical reflective.
ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan bahan ajar matematika interaktif dengan scaffolding metakognitif untuk kemampuan berpikir dan disposisi reflektif matematis siswa. Bahan ajar interaktif ini dibuat dalam format exetable windows (exe). Penggunaan bahan ajar sudah fleksibel dengan format exe sehingga bisa digunakan di komputer berbasis windows. Exe adalah jenis berkas yang digunakan untuk menjalankan atau memasang aplikasi berbasis sistem operasi windows. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh lemahnya kemampuan metakognitif siswa, serta masih sedikit bentuk bahan ajar mengembangkan bahan ajar interaktif dengan menerapkan aspek scaffolding metakognitif, kemampuan berpikir dan disposisi reflektif matematis siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian dan pengembangan yang meliputi 10 langkah yaitu potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk,