This was a Research and Development (R and D) study which was conducted to design teaching materials for English as a Specific Purposes (ESP) of Geography Based on E-learning at the Department of Geography of Universitas Hazairin (Unihaz) Bengkulu, Indonesia. Furthermore, this study aimed to produce digital teaching materials that were uploaded to the Unihaz online learning application (SPADA). The teaching materials were prepared for geography students taking English courses, and the theory of development used in this study was the Jolly and Bolitho model. Meanwhile, the development theory of teaching materials was adopted by combining the theory by Hutchinson, Waters, and Tomlinson for preliminary research on needs analysis, the theory of teaching materials by Bernhard and Zemach for Specific purposes, and the theory of rapid prototyping for the process of developing digital teaching materials. The respondents of this study were students, lecturers, and experts, and data were collected from questionnaires, interviews, observations, documents, and tests. In this study, Hi-Tech teaching materials were produced. Based on the assessment and validation, the experts were able to ensure that the teaching material for the English Language was very useful for the Specific Purpose of Geography based on e-learning. Based on the average percentage, the English language learning materials for the Specific Purposes of Geography Based on e-Learning improved the English language skills of students from the Geography Department.