<p>Industri penjualan air minum dalam kemasan terus berkembang seiring tingginya kebutuhan air bersih oleh masyarakat. Pangsa pasar industri air minum dalam kemasan terhadap industri minuman mencapai 84% dan menyumbang 3,3% terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB). Kemasan galon adalah salah satu kemasan yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat saat ini. Telah ditemukan beberapa masalah ketika membuka tutup galon. Masalah-masalah tersebut dapat diatasi dengan melakukan pengembangan produk alat pembuka tutup galon yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan atau <em>Voice of Customer</em> (VOC). VOC dikumpulkan dan diterjemahkan melalui dua kuesioner, yaitu kuesioner terbuka dan kuesioner tertutup. Kuesioner pertama adalah proses pengumpulan data melalui wawancara terbuka kepada pelanggan air galon. Sementara kuesioner kedua disebarkan kepada pelanggan yang sama untuk dilakukan penilaian lebih lanjut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah <em>Quality Function Deployment</em> (QFD) dengan membuat matriks <em>House of Quality</em> (HOQ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 12 VOC, 10 respon teknis, dan urutan prioritas perbaikan secara berturut-turut yaitu (1) penggunaan material pada alat (plastik atau stainless steel), (2) berat alat, (3) diameter pegangan, (4) diameter alat pembuka tutup galon, (5) jumlah fitur tambahan pada alat, (6) jumlah gerakan dalam penggunaan alat, (7) panjang pegangan, (8) tenaga yang digunakan, (9) pemilihan warna (merah, kuning, hijau), dan (10) biaya produksi.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> <em> Voice of Customer, Quality Function Deployment, House of Quality</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>The bottled water sales industry continues to grow in line with the high demand for clean water by the community. The market share of the bottled water industry to the beverage industry reaches 84% and accounts for 3.3% of gross domestic product (GDP). Gallon packaging is one of the packages that is widely used by the community today. Several problems were encountered when opening the gallon cap. These problems can be overcome by developing a product for a gallon cap opener that is tailored to customer needs or Voice of Customer (VOC). VOC was collected and translated through two questionnaires, namely an open questionnaire and a closed questionnaire. The first questionnaire is the process of collecting data through open interviews with gallon water customers. Meanwhile, the second questionnaire was distributed to the same customers for further assessment. The method used in this research is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) by creating a House of Quality (HOQ) matrix. The results showed that there were 12 VOCs, 10 technical responses, and a priority order of improvement in succession, namely (1) the use of material on the tool (plastic or stainless steel), (2) the weight of the tool, (3) the diameter of the handle, (4) the diameter of the tool. gallon cap opener, (5) the number of additional features on the tool, (6) the number of movements in the use of the tool, (7) the length of the handle, (8) the power used, (9) color selection (red, yellow, green), and (10) production costs.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Voice of Customer, Quality Function Deployment, House of Quality</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>