Students in learning experience obstacles in carrying out their rights and obligations due to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Online learning set by the government as an educational emergency actually has another impact in the learning process. Students have difficulty carrying out online learning, due to monotonous online learning activities, lack of available teaching materials, and learning tools that do not support the learning process. Therefore, it takes creativity of lecturers in developing the online learning process in accordance with the situation and conditions of students so that the learning objectives can still be achieved properly. Case study methods are conducted to find information data on learning media that can help students' difficulties in the online learning process. The data of this study was obtained from the results of interview students, observations of learning, and field notes records. The findings show that varied and innovative learning media can be used as a learning resource and make the learning process interesting. Audio learning media that is podcast can be a solution to increase students' learning motivation in online learning.