PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (PT ITP) Unit Palimanan has performed efforts to reduce, reuse, recycle, and recovery (4R) of cement bags as an attempt to utilize resources in efficient manners. In this study, the 4R program was evaluated to gain information on the impacts of the program in social, economic and environmental benefit as a part of corporate responsibility to the community and the environment. The study was conducted by analyzing data of cement bags and other non-hazardous wastes from 2016–2020, both generated and utilized in the 4R program. The evaluation results show that the reduction program of replacing 3-ply cement bags with 2-ply cement bags is dominantly able to reduce the tonnage of cement bag waste (up to 3,000 tons/year). The reuse, recycle, and recovery programs for cement bags to produce handicrafts and Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) was able to contribute up to 20% of the total tonnage of the 4R program. The cement bag reduction program (replacement of 3-ply paper with 2-ply) has environmental and economic benefits for the company. Reuse, recycle, and recovery programs for cement bags are able to provide wider benefits not only for the company and the environment but also for the community. The 4R program reduced emissions to an average of 1,404 tons of CO2/year, where the dominant contribution came from the reduction effort of replacing 3-ply paper with 2-ply.
Keywords: Cement bag, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery
PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (PT ITP) Unit Palimanan melakukan upaya reduce, reuse, recycle, dan recovery (4R) terhadap kantong semen yang dihasilkan sebagai upaya penggunaan sumber daya secara efisien. Upaya 4R dievaluasi dampak manfaat secara sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan kepada masyarakat dan lingkungan. Studi dilakukan dengan menganalisis data kantong semen perusahaan dan limbah non bahan beracun berbahaya (non-B3) lainnya dari tahun 2016–2020, baik yang dihasilkan maupun dimanfaatkan dalam program 4R. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa program reduksi berupa penggantian kantong semen 3-ply menjadi 2-ply secara dominan mampu mengurangi tonase sampah kantong semen yang dihasilkan (hingga 3.000 ton/tahun). Program reuse, recycle, dan recovery kantong semen untuk memproduksi barang kerajinan dan Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) mampu menyumbang pemanfaatan hingga 20% dari total tonase program 4R yang dilakukan. Program reduksi kantong semen (penggantian kantong semen 3-ply menjadi 2-ply) memberikan manfaat bagi lingkungan dan ekonomi bagi perusahaan. Sedangkan, program reuse, recycle, dan recovery kantong semen mampu memberikan manfaat yang lebih luas tidak hanya bagi perusahaan dan lingkungan tetapi juga bagi masyarakat. Program 4R yang dilakukan mampu mereduksi emisi hingga rerata 1.404 ton CO2/tahun di mana program yang berkontribusi secara dominan adalah penggantian kertas 3-ply menjadi 2-ply.
Kata kunci: Kantong semen, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery