Abstract. Cigarettes are a health problem that is the main focus in Indonesia, Indonesia is still in 3rd place with the highest number of smokers in the world. The habit of consuming cigarettes can cause serious problems such as stroke, cancer and coronary heart disease. Long-term exposure to dangerous compounds in cigarettes such as tar, nicotine, bensopyrene can cause dysplasia that occurs in the mucosal epithelium of the oral cavity. This study aims to see differences in the quantity of cellular content of buccal mucosal smears between smokers and non-smokers. This research uses an analytical observational method through an approachcross sectional which was carried out on 20 people in the work environment of Bandung Islamic University. Data were obtained from the results of buccal mucosal swabs stained with dyepap smear(Pap) and observed under a light microscope. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate tests and tests were carried outT Independent andmann whitney. This research found that the characteristics of non-smokers were an average age of 46 years, a bachelor's degree, married with a middle income. Characteristics of smokers, the average age is 38 years, high school education, married with low income, Ujit independent get no difference in cell numbers between smokers and non-smokers, testmann whitney shows that there is a difference in the number of lymphocyte cells between the two populations with a P value of 0.009 (<0.05). Smoking does not cause changes in the quantity of cellular content of the buccal mucosa, but smoking can cause chronic inflammation and lead to mutations and malignancy in buccal mucosal cells.
Abstrak. Rokok merupakan masalah kesehatan yang menjadi fokus utama di Indonesia, Indonesia masih menempati posisi ke 3 dengan angka perokok tertinggi di dunia. Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi rokok dapat menyebabkan masalah serius seperti stroke, kanker, dan penyakit jantung koroner. Paparan jangka panjang terhadap senyawa berbahaya dalam rokok seperti tar, nikotin, bensopiren dapat menimbulkan displasia yang terjadi pada epitel mukosa rongga mulut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan kuantitas konten selular apus mukosa bukal antara perokok dan non perokok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik melalui pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan pada 20 orang di lingkungan kerja Universitas Islam Bandung. Data diperoleh dari hasil swab mukosa bukal yang diwarnai oleh pewarna papanicolaou (Pap) dan diamati dibawah mikroskop cahaya. Data dianalisis dengan uji univariat dan bivariat dan dilakukan uji T Independent dan mann whitney. Penelitian ini didapatkan karakteristik non perokok berusia rata rata 46 tahun, berpendidikan S1, sudah menikah dengan penghasilan menengah. Karakteristik perokok rata-rata berusia 38 tahun, berpendidikan SMA, sudah menikah dengan pendapatan rendah, Uji t independent mendapatkan tidak adanya perbedaan jumlah sel antara perokok dan non perokok, uji mann whitney menunjukan adanya perbedaan jumlah sel linfosit antara kedua populasi dengan nilai P sebesar 0.009 (<0.05). Merokok tidak menyebabkan perubahan kuantitas konten selular mukosa bukal, namun merokok dapat menyebabkan inflamasi kronis dan mengarah ke mutasi dan berujung keganasan pada sel mukosa bukal.