This research compares the inclusiveness of persons with disabilities in the Pemilu 2019 General Election with the Pilkada 2020 Regional Election by looking at the differentiating factors that cause an increase in voter participation of persons with disabilities by taking a case study of Depok City. Looking at the phenomenon of increased voter participation of persons with disabilities in the Pilkada 2020 Regional Election compared to the Pemilu 2019 Election, the Pilkada 2020 Regional Election is experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak, and the Pemilu 2019 Election is the most popular. Through descriptive analysis of election inclusiveness for people with disabilities in Depok City, this study will reveal the factors that lead to increased participation of people with disabilities and how election inclusiveness efforts for people with disabilities. This research uses descriptive qualitative methodology by conducting direct interviews with relevant stakeholders such as the Head of the Planning, Data, and Information Subdivision, the Head of Pertuni, and the Head of PPDI in Depok City. The results of this study showed how elections in Depok City can facilitate voters with disabilities.