Pesen Kopi promote their products using Instagram, which has thousands of Followers and Likes, not only on Instagram, in fact, almost all stalls of Pesen Kopi are always crowded with consumers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect and effectiveness of marketing communication on Instagram @pesenkopi_id on consumer buying interest. The research approach used is quantitative with descriptive statistical analysis test and SEM WarpPLS analysis test. Samples were taken as many as 100 from Instagram followers @pesenkopi_id. The results showed the most influential variable is Connection to Attention, when Pesen Kopi pay attention to the Connection variable by providing information and promotion through Instagram @pesenkopi_id it can cause attention to Pesen Kopi products. Whereas the least influential variable is Context to Interest which means that the language and content of the message delivered by Instagram @pesenkopi_id does not make consumers interested in the products offered by Pesen kopi. Of the 14 variables, there are 6 not significant variables, namely Context to Interst, Communication to Attention, Attention to Desire and Action, Interest to Desire, and Desire to Action, so marketing communication (4Cs) is less effective and less influential on buying interest (AIDA) in Instagram @pesenkopi_id.