The utilisation of wind energy in Indonesia is still low because the average wind speed in Indonesia is low. The design of the HAWT using a NACA airfoil which has a high C/Cd value and produces 500 W of power at wind speeds of 1 m/s up to 11 m/s. The research was conducted in 3 stages. First, the calculation stage to determine the radius, chord and twist of the blade. Second, the initial design stage of the blades is simulated to determine the NACA airfoil that is used and to know the coefficient of performance and power produced. Third, the stage of designing the 3D blade design. The design results show that the HAWT blades with NACA 5513 airfoil taperless type with the radius of 0.9 m on the airfoil simulation produced a higher Cl/Cd value with 152.73 when α = 4 °. In the Cp simulation for TSR, the Cp value reaches 20% in TSR 2 up to 10. Meanwhile, in the power wind speed (P - v) simulation, the power generated reaches 500 W at wind speeds of 11 m/s and angular velocity 263 up to 1000 rpm.