This research focuses on three aspects: the strategies, the roles of the Interfaith Harmony Forum (Forum Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama-FKUB), and the obstacles in establishing interfaith harmony in Aceh province. This study employed a qualitative approach, with 79 research subjects consisting of the chair and members of FKUB in three districts and cities and the FKUB of Aceh province, religious leaders, and the community. The research subjects were selected by purposive sampling, and the data were analyzed using a descriptive approach. The research results found that the interfaith harmony in the province of Aceh is well and peacefully established. There are five strategies for realizing harmony: tolerance, equality, cooperation, mutual respect, and communication. This study also revealed that FKUB has carried out its role optimally in creating interfaith harmony in Aceh. However, it experiences some obstacles due to sociological, internal, and external factors. Despite the challenges, overall, FKUB in Aceh province can overcome the obstacles.