A penile fracture is a rare urological emergency, often resulting from blunt trauma to the erect penis. This case report describes a 30-year-old male who presented with penile swelling during sexual intercourse, raising suspicion of a penile fracture. The patient underwent surgical exploration, revealing a rent in the tunica albuginea and an additional laceration in the corpus spongiosum with the Foley catheter exposed. The lacerations were closed using Vicryl sutures over a Foley catheter. The patient experienced an uneventful postoperative course, and follow-up assessments showed satisfactory healing of the urethra. This case underlines the need for clinicians to consider the possibility of urethral involvement in cases of penile fracture, as timely surgical intervention can prevent long-term sequelae such as erectile dysfunction and urethral strictures. By sharing this case, we hope to further emphasize the need for vigilance and swift action when faced with potential penile fractures in clinical practice.