Efforts to improve the quality of mothers and babies is our responsibilities. The involvement and support of family and community participation is needed to make success the loving activities of the mother and baby. From 80% as the target, there were 40% have not met the target of exclusive breastfeeding in Garung Lor village yet. Knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding, how to store, flush and serve is very necessary as information in the community. So that the partners 1, the activities of community partners is to realize the village of baby love. The exclusive breastfeeding ambassadors comes from cross-generation involve fathers, mothers and adolescents in order to sustainable. Cervical cancer and breast cancer becomes the number one killer in women. So early detection needs to be carried out continuously so that monitoring of cancer in women needs to be done. The incidence in Payaman village occurs 60% experience with pathological vaginal discharge which is one sign of cervical cancer and screening has never been done. This Community Service Activities aims to apply the Community Partnership Program through Exclusive breastfeeding Ambassadors Training and Women Reproductive Health Ambassadors, making health promotion media about Exclusive Breastfeeding, cervical cancer and breast cancer that are more easily understood and attractive. The results found after this activity there were 15 ambassadors of Exclusive Breastfeeding and 15 Ambassadors for Women's Reproductive Health. There was an increase in knowledge and awareness for women to provide the best food for babies, that is exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and increasing the women's awareness to detect early cervical cancer and breast cancer . This community partnership program is very useful for improving the health of women and babies Abstrak Upaya peningkatan kualitas ibu dan bayi merupakan tanggung jawab bersama. Keterlibatan dan dukungan peran serta keluarga dan masyarakat dibutuhkan untuk mensukseskan gerakan sayang ibu dan bayi. Angka cakupan 40% ASI eksklusif belum memenuhi target di desa Garung Lor dari target 80%. Pengetahuan tentang ASI Eksklusif, cara menyimpan, memerah dan menyajikan sangat perlu sebagai informasi dimasyarakat. Sehingga pada mitra 1 kegiatan mitra masyarakat untuk mewujudkan kampung sayang bayi. Duta ASI Eksklusif dengan lintas generasi melibatkan bapak, ibu dan remaja sehingga program ini dapat berkelanjutan. Kanker serviks dan kanker payudara sebagai pembunuh nomor satu pada perempuan, sehingga deteksi dini perlu dilakukan secara continue sehingga