ABSTRAKSanitasi sekolah merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Peningkatan akses sanitasi memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap peningkatkan kualitas kesehatan dan kenyamanan siswa di sekolah. SD Negeri Lanteng Baru merupakan salah satu SD yang masih memiliki layanan sanitasi secara terbatas, terutama pada akses sarana air bersih yang layak baik dari sisi kualitas maupun kuantitas. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada para guru, mengenait persyaratan kualitas air untuk aktivitas sanitasi di sekolah, teknologi filtrasi air bersih sederhana, dan sistem pemanenan air hujan sebagai alternatif penyediaan air bersih. Metode pelaksanaan sosialisasi ini memfokuskan pada peningkatan pengetahuan partisipan khususnya para guru melalui penyuluhan, edukasi, dan rencana usulan program dalam rangka peningkatan akses air bersih layak. Hasil pelaksanaan menunjukkan para partisipan sangat antusias terhadap kegiatan sosialisasi ini. Dalam penyampaian materi sosialisasi disajikan terkait program sanitasi sekolah, seperti: pentingnya air bersih layak, persyaratan kualitas air menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 2017, edukasi tentang teknologi filtrasi air bersih dan teknologi pemanenan air hujan. Terlihat adanya peningkatan pengetahuan para partisipan mencapai 90%. Para partisipan sangat mendukung adanya pengabdian masyarakat lanjutan untuk mengimplementasikan hasil sosialisasi di SD Negeri Lanteng Baru. Kata kunci: sanitasi; akses air bersih; kualitas air; filtrasi air; pemanen air hujan ABSTRACTSchool sanitation is an important factor to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Improving access to sanitation will give a significant impact on improving the health quality and comfort of students at school. SD Negeri Lanteng Baru is one of the elementary schools that still has limited sanitation services, especially in access to clean water facilities both in terms of quality and quantity. This community service aims to provide education to teachers, regarding water quality requirements for sanitation activities in schools, simple clean water filtration technology, and rainwater harvesting systems as an alternative to providing clean water. The method of implementing this socialization focuses on increasing the knowledge of participants, especially teachers through counseling, education, and program plans in order to increase access to clean water. The results of the implementation showed that the participants were very enthusiastic about this socialization activity. In the delivery of socialization materials, it was presented related to school sanitation programs, such as: the importance of proper clean water, water quality requirements according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of 2017, education about clean water filtration technology and rainwater harvesting technology. It can be seen that there is an increase in the knowledge of the participants reaching 90%. The participants strongly support the continued community service to implement the results of the socialization at SD Negeri Lanteng Baru. Keywords: sanitation; clean water access; water quality; water filtration; rain water harvesting