The background of the present study was the children's low independence due to the lack of teacher giving chances for them to have independent learning activity directly, as the frequent used of students' worksheet and lecturing method in improving students' understanding. The study aimed at knowing the improvement of students' independence through practical life activity. It was conducted on the group A of KB/TK Islam Bintang Kecil Colomadu with 17 students, principal and teachers of group A, as data source. The method of the study was qualitative using descriptive approach. The data were collected by interview, observation and document. Miles and Huberman model was used to have data analysis through stage of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The condition of practical life activity to improve early age school students' independence has been improved. Result of the study showed that practical life activity to improve early age school students' independence in KB/TK Islam bintang Kecil Colomadu, has improved in varied level, students have been independent. Besides, students were more enthusiastic as they practice directly and used original media in daily life, not fake or toys.