Prophetic dimension owned by KH. Ahmad Dahlan and KH. Hasyim Asy’ari is a privilege that they had. Muhammadiyah dan NU education that is a realization of the thoughts of its founding fathers should have synergy in terms of the prophetic dimensions owned by the founding fathers. Research on Muhammadiyah Education and Muhammadiyah Teaching as well as NU Education and NU Teaching by studying the thoughts of KH. Ahmad Dahlan and KH. Hasyim Asy’ari through a prophetic analysis is necessary to do because it could be a material for the evaluation and development of Islamic Education in Indonesia so as to give more benefits for umat (society).The results showed that the Prophetic Dimension owned by KH. Ahmad Dahlan in the element of humane education with Islamic modern education is the establishment of Muhammadiyah organization for theunity of people. The thought of educational element of liberation in terms of generosity to spend the wealth according to Islamic teaching, accommodative to colonizers. The thought of educational element of transcendence through purifying religion by correcting kiblat (direction in prayers), and doing more good deeds. The Prophetic Dimension of KH. Hasyim Asy’ari is in the element of humane education with Islamic traditional education is the establishment of Nahdhatul Ulama, Ukhuwah Islamiyah. The thought of educational element of liberation of the poor and orphan empowerment, resistance to colonizers. The thought of educational element of transcendence of Oneness of God and sufi, application of madzhab, pure intention for knowledge seekers. The implications of the prophetic dimensions owned by KH. Ahmad Dahlan and KH. Hasyim Asy’ari on Muhammadiyah dan NU education for the development of Islamic Education in Indonesia are found on the aspect of system development of which the realization is the development of policy regarding the content of Islamic Education Curriculum at Schools. The second aspect is improvement of learning processes, manifested in the development of Islamic Education Principles. The third aspect is improved quality of the students’ learning results, manifested in the development of approaches, methods, and competencies of the Educators.