One of the best ways to spot fraud, which frequently occurs at work, is through whistleblowing. Regional Apparatus Organizations have not been optimal in financial management, internal control, and eradicating corruption, so many fraud cases still occur. Central Java ranks ninth in corruption cases with losses reaching IDR 268.1 billion. This study examines the factors influencing the intention to do whistleblowing. Measurement of research variables using a questionnaire distributed to respondents. The research sample consisted of 69 respondents who were employees at the regional organization in Magelang Regency. Using the statistical tool SPSS, multiple linear regression is the analytical approach used in this study. The study's findings indicate that professionalism and organizational commitment positively affect whistleblowing intention. However, ethical sensitivity, ethical considerations, personal costs, rewards, and the seriousness of fraud do not affect the intention to do whistleblowing. This research is expected to develop knowledge related to whistleblowing and as a motivation for employees of the Regional Apparatus Organization of Magelang Regency to become whistleblowers in order to reduce the level of violation in government organizations.