<p align="center">Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbentuk game berbasia Adobe Flash Pro SC6 untuk mengeksplore kemampuan pemahaman matematis peserta didik dan mengetahui efektivitas media. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan /<em>Research and Development</em> (R&D) yang terdiri dari <em>analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation</em>. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK YPE Sampang Cilacap Jawa Tengah dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive terhadap 31 peserta didik program kehalian Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Perkantoran (OTKP). Pada tahap analisis terdiri dari analisis KI/KD, analisis perangkat, analisis kebutuhan dan analisis materi pembelajaran. Tahap desain terdiri dari flowchat media, rancangan alur pemodelan, desain peta konsep, desain materi pembelajaran, desain level game, dan <em>storyboard</em>. Pada tahap pengembangakan terdiri dari tampilan <em>loading game, cover game</em>, menu utama, peta konsep, materi pembelajaran, petunjuk bermain game, arena game dan level game. Media divalidasi oleh validator media/IT dan materi. Uji coba dilakukan pada kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar. Ahli media/IT dan ahli materi menyatakan bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif berbentuk game berbasis Adobe Flash Pro CS6 untuk mengeksplor kemampuan pemahaman matematis peserta didik dinyatakan layak sebagai media pembelajaran. Tahap implementation dilakukan proses Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) menggunakan hasil media yang telah dikembangkan dengan cara menggunggah pada group What App kelas sesuai berdasarkan skenario pembelajaran. Pada tahap evaluation dilakukan penilaian efektivitas media menggunakan alat ukur Effect <em>Size (ES)</em> N-Gain. Data untuk menentukan efektivitas diambil dari data pretest dan posttes. Efektivitas media terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis peserta didik sebesar 132% menyatakan media dinyatakan efektif dengan katagori sebesar N-Gain sebesar 1,32 menunjukan bahwa media efektivitasnya tinggi. Efektivitas media terhadap Kemampuan mengunakan, memanfaatkan, dan memilih prosedur atau operasi tertentu dari suatu konsep secara algoritma serta mengaplikasikan dalam pemecahan masalah.</p><p>sebesar 154% menyatakan bahwa media efektif dengan kategori sebesar 1,20 yang berarti efektivitas tinggi. Efektivitas media terhadap Kemampuan menterjemahkan suatu permasalahan ke dalam bahasa matematis adalah 120% yang berate media efektif sebagai media pembelajaran dengan katagori N-Gain sebesar 1,20 menujukan efektivitas tinggi.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong> : Pengembangan media pembelajaran, Adobe Flash, interaktif, game, pemahaman matematis.</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p>The purpose of this study was to describe the development of interactive learning media in the form of games based on Adobe Flash Pro SC6 to explore students' mathematical understanding abilities and determine the effectiveness of the media. This research is a research and development (R&D) consisting of analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. The study was conducted at SMK YPE Sampang, Cilacap, Central Java by purposive sampling of 31 students of the Office Governance Automation skill program. The analysis phase consists of KI/KD analysis, device analysis, needs analysis and learning material analysis. The design stage consists of media flowchat, modeling flow design, concept map design, learning material design, game level design, and storyboards. At the development stage, it will consist of a loading game display, game cover, main menu, concept maps, learning materials, game play instructions, game arenas and game levels. Media is validated by media/IT and material validators. The trials were conducted in small groups and large groups. Media/IT experts and material experts stated that interactive learning media in the form of games based on Adobe Flash Pro CS6 to explore students' mathematical understanding abilities were declared eligible as learning media. The Implementation stage is carried out by the Distance Learning process using the results of the media that have been developed by uploading them to the What App group according to the class based on the learning scenario. At the evaluation stage, the effectiveness of the media was assessed using the N-Gain Effect Size (ES) measuring instrument. Data to determine effectiveness were taken from pretest and posttest data. The effectiveness of the media on students' mathematical understanding abilities of 132% stated that the media was declared effective with a category of N-Gain of 1.32 indicating that the effectiveness of the media was high. Media effectiveness on the ability to use, utilize, and choose certain procedures or operations from a concept algorithmically and apply in problem solving.</p><p>154% stated that the media was effective with a category of 1.20 which means high effectiveness. The effectiveness of the media on the ability to translate a problem into mathematical language is 120% which means that the media is effective as a learning medium with the N-Gain category of 1.20 indicating high effectiveness.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Development of learning media, Adobe Flash, interactive, games, mathematical understanding.</p>