Broiler chicken farm waste is in the form of spilled water and mixed feed and chicken manure which causes an unpleasant odor. These odors are called ammonia gas (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S), dimentyl sulfide, carbon disulfide and mercaptans. In broiler chicken coops the temperature and humidity needed to warm the chickens are around 25 – 29 °C and the required humidity is around 50-70%. To solve this problem, an odor control system is needed while maintaining the temperature and humidity of the coops. This research produces an automatic system to control chicken coop odors and maintain temperature and humidity. The experimental method in this study is to simulate the system on a miniature cage with a scale of 1: 8 and send data to thingspeak in real time. Changes in the temperature of the chicken coop in the morning and evening are directly proportional to the ammonia levels, but not during the day. However, ammonia levels increase during the day. Bamboo charcoal effectively neutralizes chicken coop odors by reducing the level of ammonia gas to 1 ppm in an average of 0.83 seconds. The results of this study have implications in the fields of automatic control and the Internet of Things (IoT).