This study was designed to investigate the association of perceived dyspnoea intensity with cortical oxygenation and cortical activation during exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and exertional hypoxaemia.Low-intensity exercise was performed at a constant work rate by patients with COPD and exertional hypoxaemia (n=11) or no hypoxaemia (n=16), and in control participants (n=11). Cortical oxyhaemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and deoxyhaemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) concentrations were measured by multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy. Increased deoxy-Hb is assumed to reflect impaired oxygenation, whereas decreased deoxy-Hb signifies cortical activation.Exercise decreased cortical deoxy-Hb in control and nonhypoxaemic patients. Deoxy-Hb was increased in hypoxaemic patients and oxygen supplementation improved cortical oxygenation. Decreased deoxy-Hb in the pre-motor cortex (PMA) was significantly correlated with exertional dyspnoea in control participants and patients with COPD without hypoxaemia. In contrast, increased cortical deoxy-Hb concentration was correlated with dyspnoea in patients with COPD and hypoxaemia. With the administration of oxygen supplementation, exertional dyspnoea was correlated with decreased deoxy-Hb in the PMA of COPD patients with hypoxaemia.During exercise, cortical oxygenation was impaired in patients with COPD and hypoxaemia compared with control and nonhypoxaemic patients; this difference was ameliorated with oxygen supplementation. Exertional dyspnoea was related to activation of the pre-motor cortex in COPD patients. @ERSpublications Exertional dyspnoea was related to activation of the pre-motor cortex in COPD patients