The determination of tritiated thymidine labeling index and the percentage of cells with S phase DNA content was performed on cell suspensions obtained from 69 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The distributions of cells in the cell cycle by computer analysis of flow cytometric data were obtained by two mathematical procedures: the widely adopted Fried model and a new one proposed by Bruni et al. A significant agreement was observed by checking the Spearman index 0s) between the percentages of cells in the different cell cycle phases (Gall, r, = 0.76; S, r, = 0.60; and Gz+M, rs = 0.43; p < 0.001) determined by the two procedures. Similarly, a good correlation was observed between the labeling index &I) and the S phase values obtained by the Fried (rs = 0.45, p < 0.001) and Bruni (r, = 0.69, p < 0.001) models, but with a higher Recent findings have shown the relevance of tritiated thymidine labeling index (LI) as a prognostic discriminant in the human tumor types analyzed (7,9,15,20,22,23,33). In non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) the kinetic variable proved to be closely related to long-term clinical outcome (7,24,28,31). Thus it is important to search for a rapid and reproducible indicator of potential proliferative activity as an alternative to LI. Several recent papers have suggested that the S phase fraction, evaluated by flow cytometry, meets these requisites (1)(2)(3)(4)12,13,27,29,30). With the present study we proposed to compare the prognostic relevance of LI and S-fraction on the same series of patients with NHL. The S-fraction as well as Go/l and GZ+M fractions were quantified by using two different computer procedures: the more conventional, proposed by Fried (17,181, and the one recently proposed by Bruni et al. (5). A comparison between the potentials of the two procedures was carried out on cell suspensions obtained from 69 NHL.
Cell SuspensionsPathologic lymph nodes from 69 adult patients with NHL were analyzed: 59 at the time of diagnosis (unagreement for the latter one. The S phase by the Bruni model was also superior in predicting LI: in fact, by employing the S cutoff value of U%, a better agreement between low LI and low S phase or high LI and high S phase was observed with the Bruni procedure (90%) than with the Fried model (72%). Finally, the analysis of the prognostic significance of the different kinetic variables confirmed the prognostic relevance of LI at any time; the S phase percentage as determined by Bruni et al. was discriminant of survival only at shorter times, and no prognostic significance could be ascribed to S phase according to the Fried procedure.