Higher-pitched sounds are judged to be, among other things, sharper, harder, and brighter than lower-pitched sounds. Following Karwoski, Odbert, and Osgood (Journal of General Psychology 26:199-222, 1942), such cross-sensory correspondences are proposed to have a semantic basis, reflecting extensive bidirectional cross-activation among dimensions of connotative meaning. On this basis, the same core set of correspondences should emerge whichever sensory feature is used to probe it. More angular (sharper) shapes should, for example, be higher-pitched and have the same cross-sensory features as higher-pitched sounds. Experiments 1-3 employed a speeded classification task designed to reveal cross-sensory correspondences having a semantic basis. With words as to-beclassified stimuli and with shapes varying in angularity as concurrent incidental stimuli, congruity effects between angularity and each of hardness, pitch, and brightness were confirmed. Correspondences with a semantic basis need not be cross-modality in nature. Experiment 4 confirmed this by reproducing the brightness-angularity congruity effect when contrasting values for both features were encoded nonverbally within the visual modality. The varying nature and origins of cross-sensory correspondences and the basis on which they induce congruity effects in speeded classification are explored.Keywords Multisensory processing . Cross-sensory Correspondences . Connotative meaning . Congruity effects . Speeded classification . Visual angularity Different sensory channels can provide corresponding information (what Marks, 1978, also referred to as analogous information) about an object, as when vision and audition both confirm its connotative brightness, the former by registering its surface brightness, the latter by registering that it makes relatively bright (i.e., high-pitched) sounds (NB: The connotative meaning of any kind of stimulus is what it suggests, implies, or invokes, rather than what it explicitly or directly denotes). The provision of corresponding connotative information through different sensory channels is the focus of the present study.