In this study we report some of the first evidence showing how brain-damage can affect the underlying processes that support the integration of sensory input and prior knowledge during the visual perception of shape. We report the case of patient MT with an acquired ventral simultanagnosia following posterior occipito-temporal lesions encompassing V4 bilaterally. Despite showing normal object recognition for single items, and intact low-level vision, MT was impaired in object identification with overlapping figures displays. Task performance was modulated by familiarity: unlike controls, MT was faster with overlapping displays of abstract shapes than common objects. His performance with overlapping common object displays was also influenced by both the semantic relatedness and visual similarity of the display items.These findings challenge claims that visual perception is driven solely by feedforward mechanisms, and show how brain-damage can selectively impair high-level perceptual processes supporting the integration of stored knowledge and visual sensory input.
Word Count: 150Key words: Ventral simultanagnosia, perceptual integration, overlapping figures, V4Overlapping figures and ventral simultanagnosia 3One of the fundamental issues in our understanding of human vision is the extent to which shape perception is driven solely by the rapid feedforward processing of sensory information, or is rather constrained by the integration of visual input with stored 'topdown' object knowledge. For example, evidence from EEG has shown that we are able to make rapid judgments about the presence of animals or non-animals in briefly presented Alternatively, it has been proposed that shape perception is mediated by recurrent, interactive, processing dependent upon cortico-cortico feedback loops during both early and higher-levels of vision (Bar, 2003;Beck & Palmer, 2002;Fenske, Aminoff, Gronau & Bar, 2006;Freeman, Driver, Sagi & Zhaoping, 2003;Harel, Ullman, Harari & Bentin, 2011;Humphreys, Riddoch & Price, 1997;Ito & Gilbert, 1999; Lewicki & Sejnowski, 1997;Luck, Chelazzi, Hillyard & Desimone, 1997;Moran & Desimone, 1985;Peterson & Gibson, 1994; Rao & Ballard, 1999;Rock, 1962; Rolls, 2008;Schiller, 1993 In the standard version of the task, patients are presented with arrays of overlapping line drawings (Ghent, 1956; Poppelreuter, 1917). Responses can be measured in several Overlapping figures and ventral simultanagnosia 5 ways, including by asking patients to name individual objects, or to select items from a response sheet containing non-overlapping stimuli (Bisiach, Capitani, Nichelli & Spinnler, 1976;De Renzi, Scotti & Spinnler, 1969; Della Sala, Laiacona, Trivelli & Spinnler, 1995).Successful performance requires accurate grouping and integration of image features belonging to different items occupying overlapping spatial locations. MT's performance was found to be strongly influenced by object familiarity: unlike controls, he did better with overlapping abstract shapes than with line drawings of familiar comm...