“…While these general trends may occur In several dimensions, Knapp et al (1980) note, the precise progression rate or plateau In anyone dimension may differ from those of other dimensions. Vulnerability pattern· (Millar & Rogers, 1976) Freely stated overt judgments (Knapp, 1984) COMPOSURE/RELAXATION-AROUSAL Flaming (Kiesler et aI., 1984(Kiesler et aI., , 1985 Language Intensity (Bradac et aI., 1979) Intentional misspellings, punctuation marks (Carey, 1980) Capitalization (Allen, 1988) Relational Icons (Asteroff, 1987) FORMALITY-INFORMALITY Form of address communicators use (Argyle & Cook, 1976) Lexical surrogates·· (Carey, 1980) …”