“…The French, on the other hand, placed a significantly higher importance on the values Exciting Life, Equality and Inner Harmony. Thus, the results with a student-based sample reconfirm the reported perceptions held by Francophone managers that Francophones are different from the Anglophones (Taylor, Simard and Papineau, 1978), and that they approach work situations differently from Anglophones (Taylor, Siniard, McKinnan, Bellerose, 1982 Importance Placed on the Job Factors Table 5 presents mean data comparing English and French Canadian students' motivations with regard to six j o b factors for the years 1972, 1978 and 1986. These results are similar t o those reported by Adler and Graham (1987) that whereas French students give higher importance to those instrumental values necessary for managerial success such as C a p a b l e , lmaginative a n d Selfcontrolled, with some of the larger sized but statistically non-significant inter-group differences found for values Ambitious and Logical also going in the same direction, English students gave a higher importance t o the familyoriented values such as Loving, Responsible and Obedient which are necessary for social success.…”