RESUMO.-Objetivou-se descrever os aspectos clínicos e anatomopatológicos, e a identificação viral de um caso de infecção pelo vírus 'Hobi'-like (BVDV-3) em bovino do semiárido paraibano, Nordeste do Brasil. Um bovino, fêmea, três meses de idade, foi levado ao Hospital Veterinário da UFCG apresentando salivação, dificuldade de apreensão do teto, falta de apetite, fezes escuras e em pouca quantidade. Diante da piora do quadro clínico optou-se por sua eutaná-sia in extremis, seguida da realização da necropsia e coleta de material para histopatologia. Histologicamente, nas mucosas do trato digestivo, havia edema, degeneração balonosa, necrose e infiltrado inflamatório, que foi observado na face dorsal da língua e no seu epitélio mais profundo. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and anatomopathological aspects, and the viral identification of a case of 'Hobi'-like (BVDV-3) vírus infection in cattle from the semiarid of Paraiba State, Northeastern Brazil. A female bovine, three months old, was sent to the UFCG's Veterinary Hospital presenting salivation, difficulty of ceiling seizure, lack of appetite, dark feces and in small amounts. Due to worsening of symptoms it was decided to in extremis euthanasia, followed by the necropsy and collection of material for histopathology. Histologically, in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract there were edema, ballooning degeneration, necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate, which was observed on the dorsal surface of the tongue and in its deepest epithelium. The immunohistochemical of skin biopsies of the extremity of the ear (ear notches) showed positive antigenic marking and by RT-PCR it was possible to detect viral RNA of BVDV in the serum, whose cytopathic effect in epithelial cells of bovine kidney lineage "Madin Darby bovine kidney" (MDBK)was not observed. The sequencing of the 5'NCR gene showed that the virus isolated was more related to 'Hobi'-like (BVDV-3). After confirming the diagnosis serum samples were collected from 23 animals for serology by indirect ELISA, and a seropositivity of 69.6% (16/23) was found. The identification of this new case of 'Hobi'-like infection in Paraiba reaffirms the need for regular BVDV monitoring in the region to early detection of infection in the herds and adoption of effective preventive and control measures.INDEX TERMS: Cattle, BVDV-3, pestivirus, viral identification.