The work described herein was performed as a result of a spectrum sharing project request submitted to the National Advanced Spectrum and Communications Test Network (NASCTN). NIST is a founding charter member of NASCTN. This work was sponsored by Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO), and conducted by NIST with support by MITRE. A summary of each organization's technical contributions follows.The project underwent formal screening and approval by the NASCTN Steering Committee. A description of NASCTN and listing of Charter Members at the time of publication of this report follows.
National Advanced Spectrum and Communications Test Network (NASCTN)The mission of the National Advanced Spectrum and Communications Test Network (NASCTN) is to provide, through its members, a network for robust test processes and validated measurement data necessary to develop, evaluate and deploy spectrum sharing technologies that can improve access to the spectrum by both federal agencies and non-federal spectrum users.NASCTN is a member organization under a charter agreement. Members• Facilitate and coordinate work with federal, academic, and industry spectrum users to rapidly and cooperatively facilitate spectrum sharing and co-existence studies; • Work as a partnership to address the interests and equities of all spectrum stakeholders in a fair, equitable, and non-preferential manner; and • Through sharing of technical resources, with consideration for cost, provide liaison and support to coordinate and leverage existing national capabilities supporting government, academic, and industry testing and evaluation known to improve and expedite spectrum sharing and coexistence.