Many scientists are working to develop a static random-access memory (SRAM) cell that used little power and has good stability and speed. This work introduces a fin field effect transistor developed SRAM cell with 10 transistors (10T FinFET SRAM). A cross connected standard inverter and schmitt-trigger inverter is used in the proposed 10T FinFET SRAM cell. We introduce the schmitt trigger based SRAM cell with single-ended read decoupled and feedback-cutting approaches to enhance the static noise margin (SNM) and access time of the SRAM cell. The proposed cell’s power utilization is decreased with the help of stacked N-FinFETs. For determining the relative performance of the proposed 10T FinFET SRAM cell design in terms of fundamental design metrics, it has also been compared with some of the current SRAM cells, including 6T, SBL9T SRAM, 10T SRAM, and DS10T SRAM. The simulation results at 0.6V demonstrate that the suggested design achieves low power utilization when Reading, writing and hold modes of operation in comparison to the aforementioned bit cells. It maintains a high SNM during all operations. The suggested cell is the one with fastest read access. The simulation is carried out with cadence tool using FinFET 18nm technology.