DOI: 10.1177/1071181311551268
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Performance analysis of text entry with preferred one hand using smartphone touch keyboard

Abstract: Is performance in smartphone text entry better when using the preferred hand rather than the non-preferred hand? Among right-handed people, is the performance of users who prefer using their left hand in smartphone text entry worse than that of users who prefer using their right hand? The present study addresses these questions. Thirty young male undergraduate students were instructed to type a text message template using a thumb-based QWERTY smartphone with both hands, with only their right hand, and with onl… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 5 publications
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“…The limitation of Perry's research was that it assumed the subject's hand would only move in a vertical direction, which differs from the actual use of a smart phone. More recent studies have provided some suggestions such as accuracy of touch (Schibach & Rukzio, 2010; Xu, Yu, & Shi, ), tactual recognition area (Henze, Shin, & Jeong, ; Karlson & Bederson, , ), performance of touch screen keyboards (Song, Ryu, Bhan, & Yun, ) and target size (Mohamed, ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The limitation of Perry's research was that it assumed the subject's hand would only move in a vertical direction, which differs from the actual use of a smart phone. More recent studies have provided some suggestions such as accuracy of touch (Schibach & Rukzio, 2010; Xu, Yu, & Shi, ), tactual recognition area (Henze, Shin, & Jeong, ; Karlson & Bederson, , ), performance of touch screen keyboards (Song, Ryu, Bhan, & Yun, ) and target size (Mohamed, ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…그러나 과거의 감압 식 터치 스크린(resistive touchscreen)과 달리 현재는 손으로 세 심한 터치가 가능한 정전식 터치 스크린(capacitive touchscreen) 이 선호되면서, 이러한 배경에서 정전식 터치 스크린 기반의 다양한 스마트 기기들이 등장, 손 입력을 이용한 키보드 방식 에 관해 성능 비교 연구가 다수 진행되었다 (Page, 2014). 국내 연구로는 스마트 폰에서 키보드를 통해 문자를 입력할 때 어 떠한 손을 사용하는 것이 선호되는지를 비교하는 연구가 있었 An input method that change button shapes based on prediction, so that they get larger and easier to hit Keypurr An input method that has only 17 keys based on the QWERTY layout 으며 (Song et al, 2011), 국외에는 태블릿 PC에서의 키보드 레 이아웃과 위치에 따른 성능을 비교하는 연구가 진행되었다 (Trudeau et al, 2013). 또한 스마트 폰의 문자 입력 장치를 정리 하고 이들의 사용성을 비교하는 연구도 진행되었다 (Page, 2013).…”
Section: 연구 배경unclassified
“…As a result, relevant research has focused on input techniques to increase the accuracy of touch (Wigdor et al, 2007;Xu et al, 2011), usability assessments for touch screen keyboards (Kwon et al, 2009;Song et al, 2011) and measurements of the input offset (Lee et al, 2013;Lim et al, 2013;Mohamed, 2010;Park and Han, 2010;Perry and Hourcade, 2008). Xu et al (2011) proposed Regional Sliding, a novel technique that improves the accuracy of a users' target selection on the touch screen.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 98%