Analytic performance models are essential for understanding the performance characteristics of loop kernels, which consume a major part of CPU cycles in computational science. Starting from a validated performance model one can infer the relevant hardware bottlenecks and promising optimization opportunities. Unfortunately, analytic performance modeling is often tedious even for experienced developers since it requires in-depth knowledge about the hardware and how it interacts with the software. We present the "Kerncraft" tool, which eases the construction of analytic performance models for streaming kernels and stencil loop nests. Starting from the loop source code, the problem size, and a description of the underlying hardware, Kerncraft can ideally predict the singlecore performance and scaling behavior of loops on multicore processors using the Roofline or the Execution-Cache-Memory (ECM) model. We describe the operating principles of Kerncraft with its capabilities and limitations, and we show how it may be used to quickly gain insights by accelerated analytic modeling.Supporting tools are employed to determine parameters that are required as model input in the machine description. We use the LIK-WID tool suite [19] for most of these tasks: The machine topology, i.e., information about core and cache sharing, ccNUMA structure, cache sizes, etc., is extracted from the output of likwidtopology. Achievable bandwidths to caches and main memory are measured with the likwid-bench tool [20], since it provides a controlled and compiler-independent environment for building tailored benchmark loops. Any analytic performance model must be checked for validity by comparing its predictions with measurements on the target hardware. The validation of predictions with measurements is an integral part of the Kerncraft tool.This paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2 we briefly describe the components of the performance models (in-core model, Roofline, and ECM) supported by Kerncraft. Section 3 introduces the hardware and software used for all experiments. Details about the structure of the Kerncraft tool and its concrete implementation arXiv:1509.03778v2 [cs.PF] 5 Nov 2015 Listing 1: Scalar product in double precision double a [] , b [] , s =0.; for ( i =0; i < N ; ++ i ) s += a [ i ] * b [ i ];are given in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5 we evaluate the tool using streaming and stencil loop codes, and Sect. 7 gives a summary and an outlook to future work.The current version of Kerncraft is available for download at