The performance of ITER Toroidal Field (TF) conductors still have a significant margin for improvement because the effective strain between-0.62% and-0.95% limits the strands critical current between 15% and 45% of the maximum achievable. Prototype Nb 3 Sn cable-in-conduit conductors have been designed, manufactured and tested in the frame of the EUROfusion DEMO activities. In these conductors the effective strain has shown a clear improvement with respect to the ITER conductors, reaching values between-0.55% and-0.28%, resulting in a strand critical current which is two to three times higher than in ITER conductors. In terms of the amount of Nb 3 Sn strand required for the construction of the DEMO TF magnet system, such improvement may lead to a reduction of at least a factor two with respect to a similar magnet built with ITER type conductors; further saving of Nb 3 Sn is possible if graded conductors/windings are employed. In the best case the TF magnet of DEMO could require less Nb 3 Sn strands than the one of ITER, despite the larger size of DEMO. Moreover high performance conductors could be operated at higher fields than ITER TF conductors, enabling the construction of low cost, compact, high field tokamaks.