In this study, a power control algorithm of a variable-speed fixed-pitch horizontal-axis lift-type 20 kW small wind turbine (SWT) was proposed and verified through dynamic simulations. The power control algorithm proposed in this study consists of algorithms for Region II to track the maximum power coefficient, for Region II-1/2 to maintain the rated rotor speed, and for Region III to maintain the rated power. To verify the proposed power control algorithm, simulations were performed at the rated wind speed and above the rated wind speed, to which turbulence intensity based on the IEC regulation’s normal turbulence model was applied. As a result, it was confirmed that the proposed controller operates properly in the whole three regions including Regions II, II-1/2, and III. The controller performance was then compared with the variable-speed variable-pitch power controller. Although the performance of the proposed controller was considered good for the target VSVP wind turbine, it was lower than that of the conventional controller applied to the same wind turbine. Compared to the VSVP wind turbine, the VSFP wind turbine with the proposed controller was found to have higher mean loads on the blade and the tower but the fatigue loads in terms of Damage Equivalent Load (DEL) were found to be reduced.