This paper shows accurate predictions for hover performance regardless of planform geometry, blade tip Mach number or disk loading. To prove this statement, sensitivity analyses were performed along with performance predictions for four rotor designs. Planform effects were also studied, such as blade anhedral, showing the strong sensitivity of the rotor blade performance due to geometric features. The steady state solution methodology with imposed Froude boundary conditions is shown to give accurate results for relatively coarse grid sizes. This approach leads to reduced computational costs compared to time-dependent simulations. It is also recognised that given the current accuracy of the available experimental data, the use of more advanced CFD methods may not be fully justified. To advance the accuracy of modern CFD methods a more comprehensive experimental dataset is required. Nomenclature AR = aspect ratio, R/c r e f a = speed of sound, m/s C p = pressure coefficient, (p − p ∞ )/(1/2ρ(Ωr/R) 2 ) C f = skin friction coefficient, τ w /(1/2ρ(Ωr/R) 2 ) C Q = torque coefficient, Q/( ρ(ΩR) 2 πR 3 ) C T = thrust coefficient, T/( ρ(ΩR) 2 πR 2 ) c = rotor chord, m E = endurance, s FoM = figure of merit, C 3/2 T /( √ 2C Q ) k = turbulent kinetic energy, m 2 /s 2 M = Mach number, V ∞ /a ∞ M tip = blade tip Mach number, ΩR/a ∞ * PhD Student, CFD Laboratory, School of Engineering.