This paper describes an integrated network management framework for providing point‐to‐multipoint reservation service (PMRS) in an ATM network. There are two major issues confronting the network service provider in relation to this service: one is to rapidly confirm the acceptability of the subscriber's reservation at subscription time, and the other is to punctually activate the reserved point‐to‐multipoint service. To meet these requirements, we developed a service provision model (SPM) and a network resource model of a bandwidth allocation timetable (BATT). We propose a point‐to‐multipoint routing algorithm composed of ordering and backtracking procedures, which can find the best branch point under the complex network topology and can add more destinations to the existing point‐to‐multipoint route. We demonstrate the feasibility of the SPM, the BATT, and the point‐to‐multipoint routing algorithm by implementing our schemes and analyzing their performance under the operational ATM network of KT(Korea Telecom).